Exchange Rates South Africa

Incompass is able to provide you with up to minute exchange rates for South Africa. To obtain the current exchange rate simply give us a call on the the above number, we charge no set fees and our rates are 99% of the time better than that of our competitors.

For clients searching for the exchange rate for South Africa on the internet, please be aware these rates are often indicative rates and not necessarily what you get. It is always best to contact your currency provider who will be able to give you the exact exchange rate at that time.

We can assist with:

  • Exchange rates for transferring your South African Rand into a foreign currency,
  • Exchange rates for transferring your foreign currency into rand,
  • Exchange rates for all major currencies,
  • Tax clearances,
  • Use of your foreign exchange allowances.

If you want to get the best exchange rate for South Africa look no further than Incompass Forex.

Ring us now on + 27 (0) 21 424 2936 during office hours or request call back here.